▼ Location:About Green Pavilion

In view of the concepts of “National Sustainable Development” of the Executive Yuan and “Zero Waste” Policy of the Environmental Protection Administration, the first Environmental Protection Science Park in Taiwan was established on March 11, 2003 after ratification by the Environmental Protection Administration. The Green Pavilion, which consists of the environmental protection, energy and ecological display areas, is also the first building to attain the nine “green building” targets, obtaining the Green Architecture Certificate. With the three main design concepts of “comfort”, “harmony between nature and health” and “environmental protection” as starting point, the Pavilion allows the public to realize the relationship between environmental protection and ecology through lively and interactive displays coordinated with games and tours. It then goes further to care for the environment, bringing security and comfort to life in a technological environment. In doing so, the “ecological, energy-saving, waste-reducing and healthy” characteristics of a unique architecture is displayed and the public environmental protection concept of the creation of a low pollution, high value-added environment which takes into account the three-in-one system of production, life and ecology is aroused in the public.

Green Pavilion picture

  title_Mission and Prospect:::  

  • To introduce the basic principles and developments of technology and substantiate the technical knowledge of the public.

  • To display themes related to life and arouse public interest in technological research and development.

  • To explain the effects of technology on human life and guide the public toward giving more importance to technological development.

  • To build confidence in the public by commending on the technological achievements and development trends in Taiwan.

  • To establish a three-in-one living environment, build new cities and townships, improve environmental and ecological capacities to reach international standards, to become a famous and important tourist spot, and to promote the international reputation of Taiwan.


  title_Pavilion Emblem:::  

Pavilion Emblem  
To emphasize the new green idea of existence of environmental protection and technology, starting from environmental education and green industry, symbolizing the three-in-one environment protection concept which takes into account production, life and ecology.



展覽組項 企劃專員一人 掌理科學教育之調查規劃、展覽、票務、導覽解說、新聞聯繫登記及綜理文稿,辦理交辦文書、研考等事項。
推廣組 活動專員一人 掌理環境科學教育之宣傳、演示研習活動之推廣、義工募徵、諮詢服務及有關輔導、聯絡、編輯出版等事項。
總務組 總務專員一人 掌理出納、庶務、財產、機電、營繕、警衛安全及兼辦會計事務。
維修專員一人 負責館內機電維修事務
清潔人員二人 負責管內清潔工作