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◎ Purpose

  1. Volunteer work at the Green Pavilion involves visitor service, education and guidance, tour guide and administration support.

  2. To plan and establish a diverse channel to involve different sections of the society. Apart from individual volunteers such as students, housewives, retired and working persons, volunteers from social welfare clubs of colleges, a special volunteer group assisting in the design of visitor activity sheets and junior trainees from colleges are also recruited.

  3. To establish an environment for lifelong learning as well as social service, such as tour guide training, normal development activities and volunteer leader development camps; and to plan and establish a volunteer training system for continued development of individuals and the quality of visitor service.

◎ 志工組織架構


1.值日小組長 (1) 調配志工勤務
(2) 督導新進志工適應值勤狀況
(3) 處理志工與館方聯繫協調事宜
(4) 協助館方推動相關館務
5.活動組 (1) 協辦志工各種聯誼活動。
(2) 協辦本館各項推廣活動。




◎ Volunteer Training

  1. 【Job Training】
    Job training is provided in two stages followed by a two-month probation period. Volunteer work formally begins after basic training and assessment in the general knowledge course covering the mission, function, service facilities and areas, volunteer role and service and regulations.

  2. 【On-Job Training】
    The on-job training method and details vary in different areas. It currently focuses on tour guide and botanical garden training and development activities for all volunteers, establishing agreement and a common view at work and supported by review in different areas.

  3. 【3. Trainee System】
    Each volunteer is free to apply or traineeship according to the nature and requirements of each work area. Training is provided under the guidance of experienced volunteers so as to lower the cost and improve the quality of work, as well as increasing flexibility to make good use of volunteer work.

  4. 【勤前訓練】

◎ Guidance and Management

After passing the assessment, volunteers receive a qualification (volunteer certificate) and begin to attend their daily shifts in accordance with the regulations. A notification is sent in the event of absence from work. Volunteer interchange is encouraged through friendly meetings, welfare is provided, and a group of volunteer leaders is organized to assist in job promotion.
◎ Potential Recruits

  1. Students in Education Programs
  2. High School Student Volunteers
  3. Special Task Volunteers (primary and junior high school teachers in the Kaohsiung region)
  4. College Student Trainees
  5. Individuals (such as housewives, retired workers or senior citizens, working population, students)

◎ Work Details

  1. Information desk consultancy, admission guidance, registration service, lending of wheelchair or strollers, providing or notification of basic medical treatment and unanticipated safety and emergency situations.
  2. To take charge of reception and group tour in the display areas at the appointed time.
  3. 協助體驗操作之器材準備及事後整理及維護或通報展品及周遭之安全及清潔。
  4. 協助導覽研習中之安全性輔導與秩序維持。
  5. 服務台及休息室之維護與管理。
  6. 志工之聯絡、宣傳、活動等行政事務。
  7. 節日特別企劃活動或臨時任務人力機動性支援。

◎ Service Time

  1. Daily shift Tuesday through Friday: 4 hours a week , Sundays and Holidays: 8 hours a month according to roster
  2. At least two four-hour shifts per month.
  3. Tuesday to Sunday: two shifts a day from 9:00-11:00 am and 1:00-5:00 pm
  4. In the event of inability to provide service according to the roster, alternative arrangement must be made in coordination with workers sitting in, and the team leader or volunteer supervisor must be notified.
  5. Service volunteers must follow the rules and regulations of the scientific education museum, have a neat appearance, sign-in and sign-out punctually, and wear volunteer IDs and vest.

◎ Mission of Volunteer Leaders

  1. Organize friendly gatherings and assist in the arrangement of volunteer training and development activities.
  2. Serve as contact between volunteers and the Pavilion, bridge for communication, provide feedbacks and express appeals.
  3. Assist in the convening of volunteer force and support of various activities.
  4. Hold volunteer activities and implement relevant services.
  5. Guide and assist new volunteers in adapting to the work environment and familiarize them with the duties.

◎ Volunteer Welfare and Protection

  1. Recommend outstanding volunteers to various departments for commendation or participation in research and training activities.
  2. 本館紀念品店、餐飲區之折扣優待;招待券之贈送
  3. 當日值班提供用餐
  4. 每季舉辦慶生會,並不定期舉辦全隊聯誼與區域聯誼,每年各兩次及聚餐連絡情感。
  5. 志願工作人員服務表現優良者薦請高雄縣政府公開表揚,各組整體表現最優者致贈禮品或公開表達謝意。
  6. Recommend outstanding volunteers for public commendation in government departments and invite them to participate in activities that serve provide encouragement.
  7. Provide accident insurance: includes accident insurance and medical treatment for injuries.